Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am a sucker for protein bars. I loooooooove them, but a lot of times they have more sugar than candy bars and make you gain weight instead of shedding the extra pounds you carry in your jeans. I decided to try this new protein bar called THINK THIN and stick to it for a whole week. Since I generally have no time in the morning to make eggs or something healthy, I would generally have a medium cappuccino, a peanut butter flavored Pure Protein bar and an apple on my way to work. Instead of eating all that for breakfast, for a whole week I just ate the Peanut Butter Think Thin bar. Turns out this bar is awesome! Not only does it taste delicious, but it fills me up and keeps me satiated until about 1pm. Since the day I started one week ago I've lost 2 pounds. I haven't changed anything in my other meals or exercised more or less than before, so I am going to go ahead and associate the sudden weight loss to this bar. It has zero grams of sugar and no gluten, 20 grams of protein and a total of 240 calories. I found these bars at Whole Foods, but you can also purchase them and the other Think Thin products directly from their website

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