Monday, January 31, 2011

Maaaajor Beauty DON'T

Eva Langoria's makeup malfunction
Adding light under your eyes is a great makeup tip and we should all learn how to highlight that area properly, it makes our eyes brighter and bigger. However, the Desperate Housewives star must have done her makeup in the dark or without a mirror. Looking like a racoon is a major DON'T.

NKOTB's Jonathan Knight came out...

...of the closet! In the mid 80's this boy band pop star drove millions of weeping female fans crazy! Now, he will drive his fellow gays crazy. That's right, Jonnhy boy is gay. Apparently the star has been gay for the past 2 decades, and he only came 'out' for himself during that time. Today, at 42, Knight decided to tell the world he is gay. Good for him! Gay away!

WOW. The best MJ cover ever.

National Treasure

Whenever someone thinks of Brazil, they think of beaufitul women, beautiful beaches and 'carnaval'! Now, what many people don't know about is Brazil's signature drink, the "Caipirinha". Today the Caipirinha is an international beverage, but not everyone knows about it.

What is a "capirinha"? It is a mixture of  cachaça, lime, sugar and ice. In Brazil it is served everywhere, and with many fruit variations, such as strawberries, lychee, kiwi and pretty much whatever fruit you want to experiment with.
Cachaça can be found at any liquor store now a days, it is generally near the Rums and I recommend either the Leblon or the 51 cachaça brands. (If you want you can totally substitute the cachaça for vodka! This variation is called Caipiroska!)

Now, for the perfect cairpinha:

1 lime
2 ounces of cachaça (or vodka)
2 tablespoons of white granulated sugar (or more if you like it sweeter)

First cut the lime in half and remove the white part in the middle, it is very bitter
 Second cut the lime in wedges
 Add the sugar

Gently muddle the sugar and lime for about 15 seconds

Add the cachaça or the vodka

Fill the glass with cubes of ice or crushed ice
Stir it or shake it and serve it up!

Aging with grace

Susan Sarandon shows up at the SAG awards looking as fabulous as ever! I can't believe she is 64 years old! She look absolutely amazing. Her secret? The actress swears by the Tracie Martyn line of skincare products!

This is an All Natural Anti-Aging line made only with Organic ingredients!

Many celebrities like Madonna, Brad Pitt, Renee Zellweger and Liv Tyler swear by the powers of the Enzyme Exfoliant.

I've never tried the product myself, but I am willing to give it shot. The only re-seller is Barney's New York, or you can buy it online!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Small change, Big difference!

Ladies, I'd like to fill you in on a simple and yet veeeery effective change you can make in your sleeping arrangements that will bring you a ton of benefits! There's a reason sleeping is called "beauty rest." It is because your body is working extra hard to repair damages, so that's why plenty of sleep is a must! Now, if you are not resting your head on a satin pillowcase yet, then go out and get one!
1) One of the first benefits of sleeping on a satin pillowcase is what it will do to your hair. The satin fabric lets your hair slide gently across your pillow, whereas cotton causes more friction and disrupts the hair cuticles. You will never have "bed hair" again.
2) Ever wake up and have pillow creases on your face that look like a scar?! Say goodbye to scarface when you sleep in satin!
3) The Doctor recommends it! Some medical experts recommend satin pillow cases to patients being treated for cancer and hepatitis C, because they often spend extended periods of time resting in bed. These long periods of time they spend resting can lead to Alopecia, an abnormal loss of hair at the root and shaft caused by the head rubbing against the tough and abrasive cotton!

Find it literally anywhere, costs anywhere from 5 to 20 bucks, depending on the brand or where you buy it :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get Involved - The American Cancer Society

Today my friend William Deters reached out to me and now I am spreading the word. Like many of us, Billy has a loved one who is battling against cancer. Billy is determined to fight for this cause with passion and determination. He is fund raising and doing a relay for the American Cancer Society. If you have lost someone to cancer or know someone who is battling it, then get involved. Every dollar makes a difference. Take a moment to pay attention to something that is important and get involved.
The American Cancer Society. Click to help.

Hey, this is what you're putting inside your body!

Think you're eating unhealthy? Think again! Sometimes we eat a burger or a big fat sub, and we think "'eehh, it can't be that's just a sandwich, right?" WRONG! What you're putting in your mouth is waaaay more caloric and unhealthy than you could ever dream of! 

Here are the Worst Sandwiches in America:

Panera Italian Combo on Ciabatta
Calories: 1,040
Fat: 45 grams
Sodium: 3,080 mg
Carbs: 95 g

Blimpie BLT
Calories: 1,270
Fat: 82 grams
Sodium: 2,870 mg
Carbs: 84 g

Red Robyn Patty Melt
Calories: 1,315
Fat: 98 grams
Sodium: 2,064 mg
Carbs: 60 g

Quizno's Double Cheesesteak
Calories: 1,450
Fat: 89 grams
Sodium: 2,890 mg
Carbs: 93 g

Applebee's Meatball Sandwich
Calories: 1,490
Fat: 77 grams
Sodium: 4,380 mg
Carbs: 141 g

Chilli's Jalepeno Smokehouse Burger
Calories: 1,780
Fat: 125 grams
Sodium: 5,240 mg (!!!!!!)
Carbs: 71 g

Finally, the mother of alllll terrible sandwiches in America...
Cheesecake Factory Grilled Shrimp and Bacon Club
Calories: 1,890 (The equivalent of 7 McDonalds hamburgers!!!!Holy crap!!!!)
Fat: 24 grams of saturated fat
Sodium: 2,964 mg
Carbs: 125 g

Please, think TWICE before you order a burger or sandwich next time!!! 

Total bullcrap!

Russian tennis player, Ekaterina Makarova was forced to change outfits in the middle of the game because the chair umpire determined the logo on her shirt was too big! Are you serious? I have seen logos on athletes shirts waaaaaaaaaaay larger than that! Why are they picking on female tennis players lately?! First they picked on my girl Venus, and now poor Ekaterina? Girl's gotta bring the bacon home, let her wear her sponsor's logo! 

On the right the 'over sized' logo Ekaterina was told to remove


Ke$ha makes yet another poor wardrobe and makeup choice
First I'd like to start by saying that I appreciate her courage to be different and make fashion statements, much like Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Katy Perry do on a daily basis. The only difference is that they don't look beastly while doing it. 
Let's start with the makeup. WTF? 
Her eyes look like they were done by a 5 year old, and did she just suck on a lollipop for hours to get that lip color? Amazing. 
Moving on to the....shirt? Can we even call that a shirt? Whatever I wear to paint the walls of my house doesn't look as raggedy and old as this crap. I don't even think homeless people wear stuff that's in this bad of shape. 
Now, on to my favorite part - the crotch/leg/whatever area. WTF? Really, what is that? Is it underwear? Is it a 'Depends' camouflaged?! If it is, it looks like she already had an accident. 
Lastly, these horrendous fish nets are like the icing on top of a horrible, disgusting cake that NO ONE wants to eat!!! BLEH KE$HA!!!

Glowing Cotton Candy?! Hell Yeah!!!

It appears glowing cotton candy is all the rage now!!! I'm not even a fan of cotton candy, but I'd definitely eat it if it were glowing!!! FUUUUUN!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Arrgh! I'm gonna hide me deadlights!

If Heidi is doing must mean it's in! I don't know about you girls...but I'm not feeling the eye patch trend...the only upside to hiding one of your eyes is that you'll save money by only have to wear makeup in one eye! Yay!

I consider myself pretty fashion forward, but I don't think I'll sport this look anytime soon...unless its halloween and I'm going as Captain Hook! Would YOU sport the patch?!

*Deadlights: eyes in pirate vocab

Holy photoshop!

Kim Kardashian did a photoshoot for Inland Empire Magazine (Photo on the right) and it seems their photoshopper just went wild on her waist! Photo to the left shows how she really is...I mean, she is already beautiful and in good shape, come on, let's at least keep it realistic hummk?  

Minaj Spotted in London

Soooo who's loving Nicki Minaj's hair these days?! She was spotted in London recently sporting this interesting do! I like the do, but I prefer the usual stripped look! What do YOU think?!
I am posting this article because this is something I never knew about before and it is now deeply affecting the life of a loved one.
When we think of headaches we think about that annoying pain somewhere in your head or neck, and it is generally something that can be easily relieved by taking a painkiller such as aspirin or ibuprofen. For others, a headache is synonym of a nightmare. A nightmare that will last for days, weeks or even months. Many of you haven’t heard of about this headache, but the Cluster Headache is something that affects only about 0.1% of the population, and my mom is one of them.

The best possible way to describe in
 a drawing the pain of a Cluster Headache

Cluster Headache is also known as the ´suicide headache’. The cause of this headache is currently unknown. ‘Clusters’ refers to the tendency of the attacks to occur periodically and the attacks can range from 15 minutes to 3 hours at a time. The pain of this specific headache is greater than any other headache condition and several female sufferers say the pain is much worse than childbirth. Some doctors say this is probably the worst pain a human can experience. It is described as a stabbing pain located behind the eye or the temple, frequently radiating to the shoulder and neck. 
At the moment there is no cure for this headache, and no effective treatment. 
To read more about Cluster Headaches.

Worst expensive shampoo EVER.

I normally only use Kerastase products on my hair, but last week I ran out and I thought I'd give something new a shot. I bought the Frederic Fekkai More - 4 Step System to Increase Hair Density. The kit includes: Scalp-Purifying Shampoo (250 ml/8.45 fl oz) / Root-Nourishing Conditioner (250 ml/8.45 fl oz) /All-Day Density Styling Whip (75 ml/3.2 oz) / Nighttime Follicle-Boosting Treatment (100 ml/3.4 fl oz).
This product turned my hair into a broom! My hair became soooo coarse, tough and its texture changed entirely! It is definitely awful and I highly DON'T recommend it! This crappy product runs between $100 to $180.00 bucks depending where you buy it. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time for a change.

Remember what life was like before text messages and social networks? Well, I remember and it used to be glorious. My relationships used to be so different. When someone was interested in me and wanted to ask me out on a date, they actually had to build up the courage to call my house and most likely talk to someone in my family before they were able to get to me. We would then talk for hours about everything, since it was the only chance we had to actually talk to each other.  When the day, if the date came, I would be so nervous and excited. We would both be very present, talking and learning about each other, with no interruptions, no distractions, no third parties. It was just me and him. Those times were magical, and the dates I had during those years will forever hold a special place in my heart because we respected and valued our time together, and real relationships stemmed from it, relationships of far superior quality than whatever is it we call a relationship nowadays. Today everything has changed and I blame it all on our obsession with being social.
After text messaging, smart phones and social networks became indispensable to our lives, we let it consume us to the point the quality of our real relationships started taking a toll and the quality of our virtual relationships sky rocketed. Between text messages and social networks, we have all of our friends at our fingertips and they have us in their fingertips as well, thus making us all become much more available to anyone at anytime. Because of this, our “relationship etiquette” has completely changed from what it used to be. What once took guts for a boy to ask a girl out on a date, now has been reduced to  a simple text message that probably says, “hey, wanna hang?”, where no real emotions can be known or felt and we can easily reject someone as long as we put a smiley face at the end of it. What once was a date that we looked forward to all week and gave us butterflies, now has been reduced to two people sitting at a restaurant with their cell phones in front of them on top of the table, and at the slightest sounds/vibration/flashing light it emits, we will so very naturally leave the other person talking by themselves while we go about our own business in our phone. I’ve walked out on dates in the past because of their uncontrollable texting, and I have seen numerous relationships go down the drain because of social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook. Is it worth it to lose a relationship over our desire to maintain an intense social life?  If we become aware that this behavior is the probable culprit to why our relationships aren’t lasting as long as they used to, should we do something about it or should we simply accept that one on one time doesn’t exist anymore?
I think it all depends on what we want and what is important to each one of us. I don’t believe in extremes and I think we can always take the middle road to resolve a problem. By acknowledging that our obsession may be hurting our relationships we can then take the first step to fixing it, without having to choose one or the other. I believe we CAN have it all. We can have healthy relationships and an intense social life at the same time, as long as we learn how to modify our current behavior. When we are with someone we need to realize that all that matters in that moment is the person in front of you, the person that took time out of their lives to be with you; the person who is with you RIGHT NOW. Not the person who is calling you (unless it is your mother) or the person texting you, or the person writing to you on Facebook.
We need to start valuing each moment in our lives and understand that the beauty of a text is that it can wait until later! The beauty of a phone call is that we can hit ignore! It can all wait, it can wait until you are done having dinner with your date, it can wait until you go to the bathroom; it can wait until your date goes to the bathroom. IT.CAN.WAIT! 
I can’t change the people around me, or tell someone what to do, but I can start with me, and you start with you. Let’s begin by controlling the urgency of being available to anyone at anytime and focusing on being present and fully enjoying what is happening around you right NOW.

Get Skinny!

If you don't know about the awesome benefits of grapefruit, you're about to learn them! It's no wonder there are sooo many people that swear by the grapefruit juice diet. Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, C, potassium, iron, calcium, and beta carotene. It also protects against cancer and heart disease. Grapefruit is also a good food to include in your diet because a serving contains less than 100 calories and because it is so high in fiber it satisfies your hunger. Many say the fruit helps you burn the fat away, however because grapefruit promotes urination it makes the body light and free from toxins. It helps in removal of excess water, fats, sodium, uric acid, and other toxins from the body and also reduces blood pressure and keeps our heart healthy. Frequent urination also keep the urinary tract free from infections. Moral of the story, grapefruit is awesome and should become a part of everyone's diet!

Hide yo coke, hide yo meth and hide yo...bath salts?!

....Cause they are snorting everything out here!

Neil Brown - showing self-induced injuries he incurred
while having hallucinations after ingesting a bath salt powder 
Really?! Bath salts? What’s next, a fancy tea party? Authorities say druggies are hooked on bath salts because its effects can be as powerful (if not more!) as methamphetamine. Emergency phone calls are being reported from all over by people suffering some awful side effects after snorting, injecting or smoking these powders, like hallucinations, paranoia, rapid heart rates and suicidal thoughts. It appears that now some states want to ban the sale of bath salts indefinitely!

Ladies, if you’re fancy and you like your baths, then go out there and stock up before they are banned from the shelves forever!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Smells like I wanna eat you.

Sometimes a smell can take you to another dimension and make you embark in a voyage of sensuality and excitement beyond your imagination. There are some scents that make me melt, and sometimes a simple scent can increase ones desire or attraction for a person by a million degrees. I don't know about the other ladies out there, but from my experience, these are some of my all time favorite men's colognes that make me meeeeelt!

Finally a good Breakout Solution

Ladies, if you have sensitive skin with sudden  breakouts, you need to get this kit RIGHT NOW. The Clinique Solution kit has been my savior many times. Having oily skin is good, because my skin is always moist and I have virtually no wrinkles (and probably won't have for a long time!), however, when there are sudden changes in the weather I sometimes have to deal with sudden breakouts and those are never fun. Ever since I discovered the Clinique Acne Solution kit, dealing with breakouts have never easier. This is a 3 step kit that comes with a foaming face wash, a toner and a lotion. I guarantee your skin will be glorious in only a few days! You can find it a any department store or the Clinique Store online for only $30.00. Totally worth it.

Just say NO, to the knife.

I have always been supported all types of plastic surgery or anything that has to do with self improvement. However, I do not agree with self mutilation and complete destruction of ones face or body. Sometimes we should just stick with what we got...cause it can get worse, muuuuuuch worse. Here are a few examples of surgeries gone bad...

Oh Glorious Photoshop

Khloe and Khloe.
Let's all take a moment of silence in honor of photoshop.
Khloe, you're lucky your photoshopper loves you.

If you haven't seen this yet...

My mom says "Why is she so upset? She should be happy she's making the world laugh!" hahaha Oh Mom...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If you didn't see this is the time.

Today, Marie Caro, the mother of the late model Isabelle Caro, committed suicide. Sources say the mother of the model killed herself out of guilt for her daughters death. Isabelle died of anorexia in 2010 , weighing under 60 pounds. Fellow girlfriends, please take this as an eye opener and embrace yourself and your life as it is. We should love ourselves and take care of our precious bodies, after all, it is the only one we will ever have.
Now that you see this mother and daughter are no longer with us because of her daughters obsession please take a moment to think about your life and what is important to you.

Goodness, Bowie looks like death!

Wow, just a few days ago I was singing FAAAMEE  on my guitar hero! What in the world happened to  David Bowie?! Oh yeah, old age. Ugggh!

Gwen for L'Oreal - Love it.

Read. Pick one. Do it. (You're welcome)

To me, whatever it is I do, it only makes sense if it is special. Special to me means I am taking my time to do plan something memorable, whether it is simple or over the top. Special occasions, such as birthdays, V-Day or holidays are the time of the year that we can get our creative juices flowing and add even more flavor to our lives! I always take advantage of these special days not only because I always like being creative, but mainly because I like showing just how much my significant other means to me.

You're probably asking yourself "Why is she writing all this cheesy crap?" Well darling, because Valentine's Day is ALREADY around the corner and I've received a few emails asking for tips on what to do this V-Day. I'm going to post a list of date ideas that men should be planning out for you, but, if you're a woman reading this and you're not sure what to do this Valentine's Day, just browse through this list and either: plan the date yourself (in case your guy is somewhat of a dead fish and doesn't take initiative), plan it with your man (in case your guy is the kind that is not creative enough to come up with the ideas himself but still wants to participate) or if you have an awesome boyfriend you can just close your browser cause he is probably already planning something awesome.

Moving on now, the following date ideas can accommodate any budget or relationship style/phase and they range from simple, to cute, to over the top awesomeness.  
Next to each idea one you will see one or more of the ratings below. It is my particular rating and how I look at each of the different date ideas. 

1) Do something artsy together. If you just started dating and you haven't even met each other's private parts yet, you probably want to stick to something less romantic and more artsy. So, you can go to one of those pottery art studios and paint something for each other, like a mug or a frame. Most of these places will let you bring in your own wine, so add a twist to this cute date and show up with a little vino.

2) Take a day trip. This is also if you just started dating and looking for something more laid back. Find a town nearby where you can stroll around, look at shops and have a nice lunch or dinner somewhere quaint and cozy.

3) Tell him to come to your house for dinner. Buy a few bottles of red wine, buy something READY from a restaurant that you like, instead of slaving in the kitchen for hours, and buy something delicious you know you'll both like. This way, the hours before he gets there you'll be able to get ready without worrying about food and prep the house with candles, candles and more candles. Also, spicy it up buying a new sexy lingerie and soon after your first few glasses of wine make sure you tell him you've got something sexy on. If you're a guy you would ideally invite her over to your house for dinner, and if you're intimate enough to get her some lingerie, DO. The night should be magical.

4) Dating a sports freak and there's a game on Valentine's night? Take them to the game. Even if you hate sports, just make that sacrifice and take him to the game. Perhaps after the game is over he will recognize your sacrifice and take you to a nice dinner.

5) If you really want this night to be memorable, have your significant other meet you at the lobby bar of a nice hotel nearby. Somewhere you could pretend you're having dinner at. Book a room at the same hotel, stop at the store and get 3 bottles of wine or champagne, some cheeses, crackers,  and whatever else finger foods you both like, get to the hotel at least an hour before your date is supposed to show up. Go to the room and prep the food, candles, booze, and the works. When your guy/girl gets there, have a drink at the lobby bar and then surprise them by taking them up to your room for the night. Great night, guaranteed.

6) If you both appreciate the arts, find a local play or opera and dinner reservations somewhere romantic. A classic date night that most couples can appreciate.

7) There are many spas that offer couples massages and you can both be in the same room together. Book a massage for both of you in the late afternoon, bring your things so you can get ready at the spa and then leave directly for dinner together. You will both be super relaxed, so choose to have dinner somewhere quiet and cozy.

8) If you find out your guy or girl's favorite band will be in concert on V-Day or a few days before or after, take them to the show! If the show is not on V-Day, then tell them you'll be busy working/studying/whatever on V-Day so you will be celebrating it on a different night! You will both have a great time and your significant other will love the surprise!   

 9) Now, this is the mother of all V-Day ideas. However, it requires both of you to have the time to do it and one of you to have the budget. Plan an amazing weekend getaway somewhere nearby (or far!) and do ALL OF THE ABOVE!