Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Ke$ha makes yet another poor wardrobe and makeup choice
First I'd like to start by saying that I appreciate her courage to be different and make fashion statements, much like Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Katy Perry do on a daily basis. The only difference is that they don't look beastly while doing it. 
Let's start with the makeup. WTF? 
Her eyes look like they were done by a 5 year old, and did she just suck on a lollipop for hours to get that lip color? Amazing. 
Moving on to the....shirt? Can we even call that a shirt? Whatever I wear to paint the walls of my house doesn't look as raggedy and old as this crap. I don't even think homeless people wear stuff that's in this bad of shape. 
Now, on to my favorite part - the crotch/leg/whatever area. WTF? Really, what is that? Is it underwear? Is it a 'Depends' camouflaged?! If it is, it looks like she already had an accident. 
Lastly, these horrendous fish nets are like the icing on top of a horrible, disgusting cake that NO ONE wants to eat!!! BLEH KE$HA!!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorei a crítica. Realmente parece que ela está com a calcinha por cima da meia-calça/leg/seja lá o que for. hsUshSUShsUShS
