Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The HOT men I'd waste time watching sports for!

So, men do this all the time, a list of hot models, or hot this and that. Now it's MY turn to make a (little) list of the men I'd watch sports for!

#1 Cristiano Ronaldo: the ultimate hottie. Cute face, nice smile, uh-mazinggg body and nothing is sexier than a man that dominates a ball like he does.

 #2 Tom Brady: The all American gorgeousness. Gisele, we wish we were you.

#3 David Beckham: He just seems like an awesome husband. Plus, doesn't hurt that he is extremely sexy. He is # 3 on the list because of his voice. Have you heard it? Kinnnnnda girly.

#4 Iker Casillas: I'm not even sure what sport he plays, but I'd watch him even if he played ping pong. He looks like he an incredibly sexy accent and like a total romantic. The kind that shows up with flowers, wine and a limo. Love it.

#5 JJ Redick: The hottie next door.

#6 Andy Roddick: I am not sure why he made my list, but there's just something veeeery appealing about him. Kinda cute, kinda innocent, kinda dorky. I'd feel like a total cougar next to him.

Ladies, did I miss someone important on this list?! Let me know what you think and who YOU think is a sports hottie!!!


  1. Definitely David Beckham!!!! I would add Andy Rautins to the list, my fav basketball player!

  2. I was reallllyyyyy hoping to see JJ! He is my #1!!!! :)
