Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hey, this is what you're putting inside your body!

Think you're eating unhealthy? Think again! Sometimes we eat a burger or a big fat sub, and we think "'eehh, it can't be that bad...it's just a sandwich, right?" WRONG! What you're putting in your mouth is waaaay more caloric and unhealthy than you could ever dream of! 

Here are the Worst Sandwiches in America:

Panera Italian Combo on Ciabatta
Calories: 1,040
Fat: 45 grams
Sodium: 3,080 mg
Carbs: 95 g

Blimpie BLT
Calories: 1,270
Fat: 82 grams
Sodium: 2,870 mg
Carbs: 84 g

Red Robyn Patty Melt
Calories: 1,315
Fat: 98 grams
Sodium: 2,064 mg
Carbs: 60 g

Quizno's Double Cheesesteak
Calories: 1,450
Fat: 89 grams
Sodium: 2,890 mg
Carbs: 93 g

Applebee's Meatball Sandwich
Calories: 1,490
Fat: 77 grams
Sodium: 4,380 mg
Carbs: 141 g

Chilli's Jalepeno Smokehouse Burger
Calories: 1,780
Fat: 125 grams
Sodium: 5,240 mg (!!!!!!)
Carbs: 71 g

Finally, the mother of alllll terrible sandwiches in America...
Cheesecake Factory Grilled Shrimp and Bacon Club
Calories: 1,890 (The equivalent of 7 McDonalds hamburgers!!!!Holy crap!!!!)
Fat: 24 grams of saturated fat
Sodium: 2,964 mg
Carbs: 125 g

Please, think TWICE before you order a burger or sandwich next time!!! 

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