Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cook Sexy, thank me later.

If you really want to cook for your boyfriend and girlfriend this Valentine’s Day (or any other day) why not treat them to a sexy, easy and aphrodisiac meal?
Making a sexy dinner is easier than you think; you just have to remember this is going to be a playful and sexy meal for both of you, not exactly a meat and potatoes kinda dinner.
First, all (and by all I mean most of them) the ingredients used for your sexy dinner are aphrodisiacs, and I will explain each one of them:
V-Day Dinner Menu:
Appetizer: Raw Oysters garnished with fresh basil (if oysters are out of your comfort zone,  eat it anyways, time to try something new!)
Main entrée: Chili Pepper and Avocado Cream over Chilean Sea Bass
Dessert: Chocolate Fondue
Beverage: Vino!
Ingredient list and why it will make your dinner sexier than you could ever imagine:
Oysters (6 to 10 –depending on how much you love (or hate) them): a lot of people say they are aphrodisiac because they are high in zinc, others say it’s because it reminds us of a woman’s vulva, whatever the reason may be, oysters are an incredible aphrodisiac.

Basil (to taste): Basil not only makes the meals smell and taste better, but it also has a lot of beneficial effects on human body. Basil has a fantastic aroma that is said to have an aphrodisiac effect; it is also very stimulating.
Chili peppers (2): Chili is high in capsaicin, the substance that makes the peppers spicy - Capsaicin raises your heartbeat, leading to perspiration, releasing endorphins that are most likely to trigger feelings similar to those experienced during sexual arousal.
Avocado (1-peeled and quartered): Avocado is associated with fertility, and it lives up to it’s Aztec name ahuacati, actually meaning testicles. Besides, this super food is high in antioxidants, fiber, and monounsaturated fat, so it won’t hurt to add it to your meal!
Chilean sea bass (2 fillets): The sea bass is a good option for being low in calories, high in protein and a good source of magnesium. You can replace it with a different fish – just try sticking to fish to make your meal lighter, you don’t want to feel heavy and gross.
Plus: 4 oz of sour cream, ½ cup milk, salt and pepper to taste.
For the dessert:

(2 bars of your favorite): no brainer. Releases happy neurotransmitters such as endorphins and other opiates that help to reduce stress and lead to feelings of euphoria.
Strawberries (as many as you want to feed each other): Why are they sexy? Perhaps because they resemble nipples…but they are also a rich source of vitamin C and it will go perfect dipped on your chocolate fondue!
Vino! I’d say 1 to 2 bottles is sufficient. No romantic dinner is complete without a good bottle of wine to enhance the taste of your food and get you both in a sexy frisky mood!
How to prepare:
1)      Appetizer: Buy oysters raw on the half shell. Place the oysters on a dish over some ice and thick salt – to keep them in place.  Arrange them nicely with lemon wedge, some hot sauce and garnish with fresh basil (basil is optional)

2)      Main course:
·         Season the thawed Chilean Sea Bass with a few teaspoons of your favorite spices.
·         Dice the Chili pepper, retain the seeds if you want some extra heat. Oh yeah!
·         In a blender, mix the chili, 1/2 avocado, the milk, and sour cream. Puree it until smooth.
·         In a skillet, sauté the sea bass filets over high heat, about 1 minute each side. Reduce heat and cook a few more minutes each side.
·         On individuals plates make a bed of the avocado/chili cream, place the sea bass on top and garnish with a few slices of avocado!
·         Pair this meal with your favorite wine and thank me later ;-)

Oh yeah, if you even make it to dessert, make this easy chocolate fondue right on your stove top. Get 2 of your favorite chocolate bars (I like the Ghirardelli or Lindt) and melt the chocolate in a glass or metal bowl over a pot with a small amount simmering water until the chocolate is completely melted. Pick the largest strawberries of the bunch, wash them, place them in a bowl and feed each other away!  

This is an overall light and healthy meal, that will be fun and different to eat together.
Don’t forget to enhance the mood by adding tons of candle (scentless please!) and some sexy music! Gents: make the night even MORE special by surprising her with a nice gift.
Ladies: make the night even MORE special by wearing something a little sexier than usual!

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